Social Media Breakfasts
Throughout October, NFBP will be hosting a series of workshops on social media. Each workshop will be focussed on a different platform (LinkedIn, Twitter, Google and Facebook) and then separated into two sessions. The first will be an introduction to that particular platform, the second will be more advanced, looking at the advertising and commercial aspects of each.
You can book onto either one or both sessions for all dates although breakfast is only included in the earlier session for each. Refreshments will be served at the later session.
There will also be an opportunity to network with other attending businesses at the events.
Details of the individual events are shown below:
Twitter – 4 October
07:30 – 09:30 Session 1 of Social Media marketing using Twitter (Introduction)
09:30 – 11:30 Session 2 of Social Media marketing using Twitter (Advertising)
Details and to book
Facebook – 13 October
07:30 – 09:30 Session 1 of Social Media marketing using Facebook (Introduction)
09:30 – 11:30 Session 2 of Social Media marketing using Facebook (Advertising)
Details and to book
Linkedin – 19 October
07:30 – 09:30 A workshop on Social Media marketing using LinkedIn (Introduction)
Details and to book
Google – 27 October
07:30 – 09:30 Session 1 of Social Media marketing using Google (Introduction)
09:30 – 11:30 Session 2 of Social Media marketing using Google (Advertising)
Details and to book