Wicked Issues: Business Breakfast – Wednesday 9 November
Each autumn NFBP holds it’s ‘Wicked Issues’ event, an important date in the diary for a number of reasons.
The idea behind this breakfast networking event is for businesses to come and explain their barriers to growth; the difficulties faced in the everyday running of their business and to ask questions they’ve not been able to find the answers to elsewhere.
The issues raised in the session are then handled in a variety of ways. Sometimes there are other businesses in the room who can provide an instant solution but on other occasions the matter is picked up by NFBP and fed into the events programme for the coming year. Examples of where this has happened previously include access to finance, social media and employment law.
The other way in which matters feedback is through New Forest District Council, Hampshire County Council and the National Park Authority, all of whom sit on the NFBP Board. Through our partnership working we can work to address these issues where appropriate.
As is always the case with these events, the value is from the contributions of our attendees. We encourage you to come along with one or two topics and in doing so, help to shape the events calendar for the year ahead.